Tag Archives: Wildcat Welcome

Back to School: 3 Tips for a Happy, Healthy Start

By Rachel Ward, Chico State Social Media Intern

Welcome to Chico State!

(Jason Halley/University Photographer)
(Jason Halley/University Photographer)

If you’re a brand new student, welcome to Chico State! We’re so happy you chose us for college.

But, whether you’re a new student or old hand, anyone can use a refresher to ring in the new school year. Especially if you’re feeling a bit lost or in need of some advice or redirection.

So, without further ado, here are three tips for a happy, healthy start to the school year:

  1. Find a Community: Get Involved!

(Jason Halley/University Photographer)
(Jason Halley/University Photographer)

As corny as it might sound, finding a dependable support system can be a life saver, and I cannot stress enough the value in finding your community. A close-knit community can serve two purposes: it can celebrate triumphs and good times, and support you during the hard times. Sometimes your community is at your fingertips: for instance, in your dorm. Sometimes you have to seek your community elsewhere, like at work or through a student organization. At Chico State, there are over 200 student organizations to choose from. If you don’t find one that meets your needs, consider starting your own!

And it doesn’t stop at one community: try to become a part of multiple groups to diversify the kind of support you’ll receive from others. That way, if you begin to notice that one particular support system isn’t meeting your needs anymore, you will have other support systems to fall back on in times of need.

  1. Use Your Resources: No, But Seriously (They’re Free)

(Sam Rivera/Student Photographer)
(Sam Rivera/Student Photographer)

Last fall, we made you a list of 10 Campus Hacks for Saving Money on Campus as a guide to free (or cheap) perks for students. But, we also have a lot of amazing, free resource centers designed just for you.

Got a cold? Stop by the Student Health Center. Ready to get active? The Wildcat Recreation Center (WREC) is open every day. Questions about paying for school? The Financial Aid & Scholarship Office eagerly awaits your visit. Want to be a positive influence amongst your peers? Visit the Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center (CADEC) to find out about Wildcat ROAR bystander intervention program. To check out a complete list of resources, visit the Academic Life website.

Also, did you know that as a Chico State student you are eligible for free counseling services? We all hope for a positive college experience, but moving to a new place to start school, pressure from classes, relationship troubles and more can pile up. You’re not alone. We want you to know that we are here for you, and talking with a professional counselor can normalize your feelings. The Counseling & Wellness Center is trained specifically for helping students, and is ready to meet with you.

(Jason Halley/University Photographer)
(Jason Halley/University Photographer)

For students of diverse backgrounds, we have a variety of safe spaces and resources. Students and their allies can pay a visit the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, the Gender & Sexuality Equity Center (GSEC), the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC), and the Cross Cultural Leadership Center (CCLC) to meet people with similar or complementary experiences and tools for navigating life in Chico. Not to mention, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion hosts awesome Welcome Receptions every fall for students of diverse backgrounds. You can find a schedule of those events here. Don’t be afraid to get involved!

  1. Start Early! #ChicoWW

It’s never too early to start looking for those campus connections: every year, Chico State hosts a Wildcat Welcome. This year, Chico State’s welcome stretches across three weeks and is designed to celebrate your new membership in the campus community. Prepare to kick off your Chico experience with a variety of activities to suit your tastes!

(Christie Landrie/University Student Photographer)
(Christie Landrie/University Student Photographer)

Enjoy kickin’ it by the pool on a hot day? Check out one of our WREC pool parties. Do you like that feeling you get at large outdoor movie theaters, such as a drive-in movie? Come to a Moon on Movie for a late night movie showing. Do you love going to live performances? We’re bringing The Waifs to campus, in addition to other local musicians and bands.  Does service and civic engagement speak to you? Join us for beChico! or donate to the Hungry Wildcats canned food drive.

Other events offered throughout these next few weeks also include midnight pancake breakfasts, a hike and swim at Alligator Hole, a local job fair, a hypnotist show, Thursday night markets, and more.

Just so you know, there are a few mandatory events for you first year and transfer students. Those include:

Friday, August 21st

Big “C” Welcome & Class Photo: 9:45 – 10:15 a.m. behind University Stadium

Faculty Mentor Meetings: 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. at Butte Hall (first year students only)

Saturday, August 22nd

Faculty Mentor Meetings: 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. at Butte Hall (first year students only)

(Jason Halley/University Photographer)
(Jason Halley/University Photographer)

Other cool, informational events include TransferMation (transfer students only), WREC It! and Clubtacular. Find a complete list of all Wildcat Welcome events on their website.

Don’t be afraid to expose yourself to new interests and new people! Look for the hashtag #ChicoWW on our @chicostate Twitter for Wildcat Welcome events as they come up. We can’t wait to see all of your beautiful faces the next few weeks!

’Cat Tales: Welcome back!

By Quinn Western, social media and photography intern

Wildcats at Work

Harrison McMillen avoided the stereotypical sweltering summer months. Instead McMillen, a senior recreation and administration major, spent his summer vacation working as a beach attendant at the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort.

Continue reading ’Cat Tales: Welcome back!